Night is now shorter and the days are longer.Warping into the ground for passive enemies.A better performing Unity ocean has been implemented.A new Deer model and animation has been implemented.Warping through objects for passive creatures has been updated.Spawners for passive creatures have been updated.New passive enemy AI (Rabbits, Boars and Deer).Various more hidden visual game coloring changes.The art design color has been updated for the game.New weather effects including a new fog system has been implemented.Various fixes for AI and creature spawning.Further updates to the shorelines of the islands.New art added to Snowmere, Freydalyn, and Jormungahr.New '/stuck' command has been added (type in chat).Initial creature spawns on Freydalyn and Jormungahr (respawning still has issues).The items needed to use the portal to reach the dragon island are now next to the portal for a limited time.